It will be our Sunday

Every Sunday, during my morning coffee (or matcha), I’ll share three incredible, mesmerizing, and powerful ideas changing the world and culture. Some ideas will be ads or about advertising. Some may be about fashion. Others will be about design, art, illustrations, animations, motion, audio, movies, or any other idea worth sharing and discussing. You get the idea.

a. I will share 3 big ideas
b. Cause I care about ideas
c. And you will too, subscribe

Idea 1. The Chalice

The Steal Artois Collection 😂 Great idea by

Idea 2. The Message

Simon Sinek understands marketing better than most brands and marketers. His podcast is pure communication gold, full of insights and strategies to reach your audience authentically.

Hear A Bit of Optimism here

Idea 3. Just Do It

In 1988, the advertising agency Wieden+Kennedy debuted “Just Do It,” the most popular brand tagline and one of the best ad campaigns ever. Find the others here. I’m going for a Sunday run. Bye.