Nolan & Greta

Every Sunday, during my morning coffee, I’ll share 3 incredible, mesmerizing, and powerful ideas changing (or trying) the world and culture. Some ideas will be ads or about advertising. Some maybe are about fashion. Others will be about design work by favorite designers, artwork, illustrations, animations, motion graphics, audio tracks, or any other idea or piece of work worth sharing, and discussing. You get the idea.


a. I will share 3 big ideas
b. Cause I care about ideas
c. And you will too, subscribe


Idea 1. My Barberheimer Notes

A Pink Billboard

Things are not going well in Hollywood, Wired told us about it, but Barberheimer worked. Let me tell you why. Barbie stood out way before the movie was even released, thanks in part to the impeccable release strategy and marketing timing. Oppenheimer, a biopic about the man responsible for creating the bomb, was a heavier and more visually intense movie. Beautiful cinematography, fast cuts, and smart dialogues combined with the director’s editing style. Nolan forces you to go on his ride. A three hours long one. Barbie, on the other hand, was a visual contradiction. A toy world with important messages about heavy and serious topics. Both movies were incredibly well-made, with great stories, scripts, and acting. The casting was perfect, and they might even receive recognition at the Oscars if they happen at all. Both movies are worth watching, and I particularly like this Barberheimer movie poster. Humanity can be so creative. If you want to see more Barbie content, check out Nylon's coverage. Hollywood can learn a thing or two from this phenomenon, and I think marketers can too. From my mojo dojo casa house, I can confirm I did.

Here’s the 101 on the Hollywood Strike by the New York Times.

Idea 2. Nike Digital Design System

The culmination of years of partnership and close collaboration with Nike to unify its sprawling and disparate digital ecosystem into a single visual language. A proper design system masterclass for free. All brands should do this and use this as a starting point to help their teams, partners, and agencies align on the “how”–a brand should look and behave online (and everywhere else).

Idea 3. Ikea and the second-best thing

Being first is overrated. Ikea knows it well. For marketers, this is a tough pill to swallow. A colleague recently told me–the first spot is a rented spot if you are willing to pay its price. Avis knew this too. They did really smart ads back in the early 80s with some of the best strategy and copywriting ever created in advertising history. Remember We try harder? In Second Best, Ikea insightfully confirms this narrative in a human, more emotional way. This is a beautiful example of how concepts, ideas, and transactions can coexist in the same message. More on Proudly Second Best here.