The last summer Sunday

Every Sunday, during my morning coffee, I’ll share 3 incredible, mesmerizing, and powerful ideas changing (or trying) the world and culture. Some ideas will be ads or about advertising. Some may be about fashion. Others will be about design work by favorite designers, artwork, illustrations, animations, motion graphics, audio tracks, or any other idea or piece of work worth sharing and discussing. You get the idea.


a. I will share 3 big ideas
b. Cause I care about ideas
c. And you will too, subscribe


Idea 1. The clock is ticking

I find myself watching this over and over. It is absolutely insane, and beautiful at the same time. Complex yet made out of simple blocks. Lego the clock is ticking. For Akiyuki, this is only the beginning. Check more of this work on YouTube.

Thanks to The Inspiration Room for sharing.

Idea 2. Rotating Sandwiches

If you are a bit hungry or need some inspiration on what to eat next, Rotating Sandwiches has your back. I love sandwiches and that is all I can say. 😂 For my next trick, I will try to get the site to include, the Tripleta, Carrucho, and the infamous BeefPapa. Stay tuned.

Idea 3. The Magic of Rubin

Rick Rubin is a highly successful music producer (and writer) who has worked with a wide range of artists across many different genres. He is known for his ability to bring out the best in artists and help them achieve their creative vision. He has won numerous Grammy Awards for his work and has been credited with helping to shape the sound of modern music. Follow his podcast Tetragrammaton for more brilliant advice on work, meditation, and creativity. Need more inspiration? He wrote a book on creativity, The Creative Act.

In his 60 Minutes Interview, he exactly explains how the magic works.