Bayou Sunday

Every Sunday, during my morning coffee (or yerba mate), I’ll share three incredible, mesmerizing, and powerful ideas transforming culture. Some ideas will be ads or about advertising. Some may be about fashion. Others will be about design, art, illustrations, animations, motion, audio, movies, or any other idea worth sharing and discussing. You get the idea.

a. I will share 3 big ideas
b. Cause I care about ideas
c. And you will too, subscribe

Idea 1. Get To By

Get To By is by far my favorite and most effective framework for sharing ideas. It just works. One slide and one page with four statements if you include the WHO. A brief is as much a tool as how you answer and present the solution, the big ideas. Check a few examples below.


Idea 2. The Apple Marketing Philosophy

I want to be like Mike.

Idea 3. Orange France Football

It’s not always what you show, but what your idea and message tell the audience. In this case, Orange, a French communications company, wants everyone to know that women can play like men, maybe even better.

La Compil des Bleues, 2024 Cannes Grand Prix by Marcel