Away from Sunday

Every Sunday, during my morning coffee (or matcha), I’ll share three incredible, mesmerizing, and powerful ideas changing the world and culture. Some ideas will be ads or about advertising. Some may be about fashion. Others will be about design, art, illustrations, animations, motion, audio, movies, or any other idea worth sharing and discussing. You get the idea.

a. I will share 3 big ideas
b. Cause I care about ideas
c. And you will too, please subscribe

Idea 1. The Work of Mailka Favre

Until now, I did not know some of my favorite The New Yorker covers are by Malika Favre, a French illustrator and graphic artist based in Barcelona. Her style could be characterized by pure minimalism within Pop art and Op art, which is sometimes described as 'Pop Art meets Op Art.' She combines simple illustrations with geometric patterns and has developed a unique style of illustration by using positive and negative space and colors, and elegant layouts, especially of the female body and its curves.

Check her Instagram here.

Idea 2. A gentle reminder from Ethan

"There is no path till you walk it"
Ethan Hawke

If you are a creative person or work in a creative industry, you know exactly what that means.

Idea 3. There are two kinds of briefs

Brief A – Make something worth interrupting what your audience is trying to watch.

Brief B – Make something remarkably simple and impossible to ignore.