Another Sunday

Every Sunday, during my morning coffee (or yerba mate), I’ll share three incredible, mesmerizing, and powerful ideas transforming culture. Some ideas will be ads or about advertising. Some may be about fashion. Others will be about design, art, illustrations, animations, motion, audio, movies, or any other idea worth sharing and discussing. You get the idea.

a. I will share 3 big ideas
b. Cause I care about ideas
c. And you will too, so please subscribe

Idea 1. A good POV

Things were different back then, but so were the ads. I still trust the Guardian, but I wish the ads were still this good.

Idea 2. The Brief

It should be brief—specifically, the creative brief. Yes, strategy has to do the hard part, but making creative go through the entire strategy process is not helping anyone. Keep it brief. Get better ideas.

Idea 3. Art History 101

Currently enjoying this series. Like a lot.